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About Us

VINOD M. MANIK & ASSOCIATES, An Indian Chartered Accountancy Firm was established in February 1993 by CA. CS. VINOD M. MANIK. The firm is duly registered with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India with the main aim of providing comprehensive qualitative services to its clients in India and around the Globe.

The Firm provides services to wide area in various trade & industries as well as non-profit organizations. The client group includes High Net worth Individuals, Government & Semi Government Organizations, Proprietorship firms, Partnership Firms, Private & Public sector Corporate, Hospitals and Educational Institutions etc. To meet with the client’s comprehensive needs, the firm provides wide range of specialised services in the field of Book Keeping, Management Consultancy, Tax Audit, Company Audit, Other Statutory Audits, Taxation, VAT, Project Finance, Investment, ROC, Service Tax, Consultancy and various other related services.

Today, VINOD M. MANIK & ASSOCIATES has earned a remarkable reputation among its various clients and enjoys their faith, trust and goodwill. We firmly believe in providing our clients timely and qualitative services. Not only we provide business solutions to our clients but we also provide regularly and timely updates and upgrade their knowledge so as to increase their awareness about the important provisions of various laws, good current trade & industrial practices so that there approach would be proactive rather than reactive and which ultimately will make them stand ahead of the competition.

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